1.Is experience necessary?
No Just Bring your energy and enthusiasm, we always have lots of new players .
2. When are the practice days, times, and location?
Tuesdays/Wednesday/Thursdays 5 to 6.30 (light permitting)...
1.Is experience necessary?
No Just Bring your energy and enthusiasm, we always have lots of new players .
2. When are the practice days, times, and location?
Tuesdays/Wednesday/Thursdays 5 to 6.30 (light permitting)
Always bring indoor and outdoor gear.
Usually at Mountain Vista but keep an eye out for changes.
3. Dates for 2025 Spring Rugby preseason Starts Feb !7th, Winter sports participants can join in March
4. When are the practice days, times, and location?
Tuesdays/Wednesday/Thursdays 5 to 6.30 (light permitting)
Always bring indoor and outdoor gear.
5. Cost for joining and cost for uniforms?
Fees TBA, uniforms will be provided. Players will need a mouthguard and cleats to play rugby.
We do not want finances to be a barrier to playing rugby, if they are, please contact us
Join the pitchero app to get updates and team info
● Download the Pitchero app for free on your mobile device
● You will need to create an account.
● You will be asked which sport, select “Rugby Union” (NOT Rugby League)
● You will need to select PL (player) or (Parent
● Make sure your notifications are on!
5. How to register? (USA Rugby registration for the Spring season yet, spring players will be covered until Aug 31st)
Registration for the High School Girls register https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au/register
Registration is open https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au/choose-registration?name=Ranch%20Rugby
How To Set Up A Rugby Xplorer Member Profile
Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/aZjB1uoHm20
1. Go to https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au
2. Enter in your personal email (not a role-specific email; RX assigns permissions to individual people, it doesn’t require multiple logins for different organizations)
3. You may see “You don’t have a Rugby ID,” not to worry as once you enter more details the system will be able to pair you with your imported profile
4. Select sign me up, and you will be redirected to enter in your personal details
5. MAKE SURE that USAR National is selected and not Rugby Australia
1. If you see “We have found some profiles that might be you!” Please select your profile and click continue.
6. You will be redirected to the Rugby Xplorer profile homepage
How To Register on Rugby Xplorer for Season 2024-25
Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/3bzRqKJA0ao
1. Login to your Member Profile
2. Select Register in the upper left hand corner
3. Click on Find A Club
4. Select the person you are planning to register (you may have children as linked accounts)
5. Enter “Ranch Rugby”, select “Ranch Rugby”, and select next
6. Choose the registration options applicable to you (you can only register to one role at a time) – “High School Spring Girls”
7. View the personal information of the person you are registering (you can edit this information later, this step ensures this is the correct person)
8. Upload a profile photo (or skip depending on whether this is required by your competition)
9. Update your emergency contact information and answer any other questions
10. Review your Registration Summary
11. Agree to the Terms and Conditions
Any Questions contact Highschoolgirls@ranchrugby.club
or recruitment@ranchrugby.club